Abrasive Blasting

Formerly referred to as sandblasting, abrasive blasting is one of the foundations of surface preparation as a quick and effective means to stripping old paint, coatings, rust and other forms of corrosion or hard-growth from hard to soft surfaces. Advanced Marine Preservation provides wet or dry abrasive blasting services with the equipment and technicians to quickly, safely and effectively handle the surface preparation of confined spaces and open large areas. 

Abrasive Blasting Mediums

Despite the common term “sandblasting”,  these days this doesn’t mean that “sand” is the preferred medium to use for stripping.  Today, as with most advances in strip processing, a number of different mediums are now used depending on what is best suited for the surface and coating to be removed. Although still considered a hazardous process, todays mediums are considered much safer than traditional sandblasting. Aluminum oxide, garnet, coal slag, silicone carbide, steel grit, plastic grit, glass bead and even walnut shell and corn cob all now have a place in abrasive blasting.

Advanced Marine Preservation has extensive expertise in applying the right medium to the surface to be stripped. The size, hardness or sharpness, mass, breakdown rate and reclamation capabilities are carefully considered for every project and surface to be prepared.The finished coating will be as good as the surface preparation and it is critical that only high quality pristine blasting materials are used to avoid contaminants in the blasting process. The right choice of abrasive for a particular application can dramatically affect the bottom line of a project.


In many cases our work entails accomplishing a project’s surface preparation in a very limited time-frame and over large coverage areas. With locations in Virginia, Florida and California, Advanced Marine Preservation has prepared literally millions of square feet for a wide variety of naval, marine, port, power and water treatment plants, industrial and manufacturing facilities.  

Shipboard and industrial tank refurbishing is a major component of our work here at AMP. Our technicians are SSPC QP-1 and QP-2 Certified and the hazardous nature of our work requires that we strictly adhere to following OSHA and general safety best practices for abrasive blasting.

Call Advanced Marine Preservation today. Our team of experienced surface preparation technicians are ready to serve with the latest advances in equipment, materials and techniques to efficiently and successfully complete projects of all sizes.